Spicy jalapeño Hummus .. Diabetes Friendly

This spicy healthy delicious hummus is something which I love to make when we have a big gathering and its so easy and quick to make that one can make their own at home with a few simple ingredients.


This Hummus is totally inspired by the jalapeño yogurt dip I tried at Costco a few weeks back .. it was Tangy ,delicious and oh so yummy and had all the flavors a person who loves spicy food would enjoy .. Fresh lime juice brightens the flavors of this spicy hummus .


One can even use this protein and fiber-packed spread in their sandwiches or as a dip with whole wheat pita chips or whole grain craCkers for a satisfying lunch …

Please Read the footnotes after the recipe, where some useful tips are shared by Mrs. Geeta Kakade who is diabetic herself and runs a Facebook group called Diabetic Support Group

Spicy jalapeño Hummus … Diabetes Friendly

This Recipe Serves 6
Ready in 30 mins or less


1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas, drained
2 jalapeño papers or as per taste
2 tablespoons sesame tahini ( Look for tahini in the ethnic food section of your supermarket.)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3-4 garlic cloves
Juice of 1 large lemon
1 tsp cumin powder
Kosher salt, to taste
Freshly ground black pepper

1.Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
2.Place whole jalapeños and garlic cloves with skin on a baking sheet and roast for 10-12 minutes, flipping jalapeños once to ensure even roasting. If they get too dark then take them out.
3.Wrap roasted jalapeños and garlic in foil to steam for a few minutes.
4.Remove the skin from roasted garlic or squeeze the garlic out 5.Carefully remove seeds from roasted Jalapeños

In a food processor or blender combine all ingredients until smooth, scraping down sides as needed.
Taste and adjust seasonings as desired.
Add water if necessary to produce a smooth hummus.
Store covered for up to 5 days.

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One can even Use hummus as a dip for cucumber, celery, broccoli, peppers, or carrot sticks. Hummus is calorie-dense but also offers fiber and nutrients.
Chick peas have a very low glycemic index, which means they create steady blood sugar and are especially healthful for diabetics.


An article by Ms. Geeta Kakade !

Topic: ‘Some ways a diabetic tries to resist food overindulgence at festivals, during the holiday season and at get togethers all year round.’

Its a challenge…always a challenge. It doesn’t matter if you are in your own home or in someone else’s home: resisting the lure of food isn’t easy.
Here are some tips that help me when I’m at a party and I hope will help you.

1. The day you’re going our, say for dinner, follow strict dietary guidelines for the other meals during the day. Balancing your sugar will give you a head start and will allow you to have a little ‘extra’.
2. Don’t skip your exercise on this day…exercise helps regulate hunger pangs.
3. Before you go out, eat a bowl of salad or some fruit…an apple works best for me.
4. Insist on serving yourself, then stop and look at your plate before you eat…both for appetizers and main course. If someone forces you to have something by putting it on your plate, leave it there. I get rid of the stuff on my plate very discreetly.
5. Remember food will always be there and the healthier you are the more you can continue to enjoy it at future parties. The meal you’re at is NOT your last meal.
6. Respond to comments like, “What! That’s all you’re eating?” with a firm but pleasant comeback. I tell people I’m there for the company and I enjoy myself best if I don’t have to lose the next day to ‘not feeling well’ because I ate too much.
7. Love sweets like I do? Make adjustments in the meal to accommodate your craving. I find skipping either the naan or the rice helps me at a party.

Okay so you read articles like this all the time and know what’s right. What happens when you still fall off the dietary wagon once in a way? No big deal! (as long as its not all the time.) Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on…all we diabetics can do is keep trying to do our best. 

Geeta Kakade, Diabetes Support Group.




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