Quick & Easy Cutlets Made With Left Over Rice …


Do you have a little leftover rice which is not enough to be served . Now you can . Turn left over white or brown rice into quick and easy starter , snack or a side dish You will be surprised as no one will even recognize it as leftover .

We will be needing :

1 cup cooked rice ( white or brown )
1 large potato boiled and mashed
1 tbsp ground peanut ( optional )
tsp green chili paste or adjust to your taste ( can use finely chopped green chilies too )
1 tsp ginger grated or finely chopped
oil for shallow frying
Salt to taste
Red chili powder. . . .1 ½ tsp
Garam masala. . .1 tsp
Coriander powder. . . .1tsp
1/4 cup finely chopped cilantro
1 large onion ,chopped
1 tbsp lime juice
4 slices of bread to make fresh bread crumbs .


1.Take a bowl and combine all ingredients in it.
2.Sprinkle water (if needed only) and mix all well. Keep mashing rice while mixing.
3.Make small balls or patties of the shape and size of your choice .
4.Heat oil in non stick pan and cook them on medium heat on both sides till golden brown.
5.Crispy ,Tasty rice patties is ready.

Serve hot with ketchup . Dips of your choice or mint-coriander chutney



    1. Thank you aunty Heather . If you prefer to fry these then you can add 4 to 5 tan
      Able spoons of gram flour / besan to this mix too and deep fry them .

  1. Leftovers sometimes make the best meals I find. These look like a delicious way to use rice – I can imagine even making a fresh batch to make these if I didn’t have any leftovers. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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